Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Display Menu Like Windows

. Saturday, February 5, 2011

All N-Gage Lovers surely already know if the N-Gage we both loved it can not use themes. But for the sake of beautifying the look of ancient remains though not spelled out a solution. And one of them is SajiOSv2 which is a project of Sajisoft. Here the screenshot.

How? Cool it. SojiOSv2 Actually this is the shortcut menu shortcuts on the phone who then arranged and shaped in such a way into swf file format so that when run on mobile phones look like Vista. May I mention just the definition that can make friends can have an idea of SojiOSv2 and can also understand that I am indeed not a good writer. : D
Just like when you run the swf file on the computer, we also need the Flash Player to run on mobile phones. Therefore please download Flashlite v1.1 here and then install the file. Flashlite Flash Player is a mobile version. If Flashlite already installed only after that you install SajiOSv2 that you can download it here.
There are icons that you can edit and replace with your self-made icon. You do this by editing the file in the folder SSData.txt "[Drive]: \ documents \ flash \ SajiOs \". For more details, read help.html that is in the Rar file you downloaded earlier.
In addition to similar vista, which is similar to XP also exist.
His name is S60-XP. To edit or change the icons and shortcuts, just brain-tweaking a file "application_setting.txt" which is a folder with the swf file it.

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